Позначка: трюкова політика

Still No Vax Genocide lawsuit, although Nuremberg medical experiments code, section 1 etc greatly violated, Priory of Salem, Institute of Peace Studies

Dear friends in Christ,   According to many recovered legal experts, with the types of attorneys that exist (mainly as political agents sold out to Mystery Babylon) there will be […]

TRUE Американський уряд - це вічна божественна теократія, за часів Ісуса Христа і просування Його уряду на землі, наша щоденна молитва

America’s first constitution declared our government is a perpetual Divinely instituted Theocracy under Jesus Christ the King for His Kingdom to be advanced on earth. In this article I will […]

«Окупуй, поки я не прийду», православна лекція на сьогодні

Conclusive understanding of what He meant by “occupy till I come” in context. Amen Brothers and Sisters, There  are so many points in today’s lectionary that are so important. “Occupy […]