Позначка: експерти з вакцин мрна

Over 1000 published studies providing evidence that the c0v1d injections are DANGEROUS

Over 1000 published studies provide evidence that the COVID-19 “vaccines” are DANGEROUS https://www.thecompleteguidetohealth.com/over-1000-published-studies-provide-evidence-that-the-covid-19-vaccines-are-dangerous.html “Pin pricks themselves may be deemed safe” however everything else may not be, according to these 1,000 […]

Dr Malone, a leading vaccinologist warns that the vaccine causes the virus to be more dangerous.

Latest Video Dec 18th: Dr. Malone: Omicron is Like a Live Attenuated Vaccine Designed for a Purpose https://rumble.com/vr1dni-dr.-malone-omicron-is-like-a-live-attenuated-vaccine-designed-for-a-purpose.html?mref=v6jv1&mc=408d2https://rumble.com/embed/vof7jc/?pub=v6jv1 (Older and still relevant article): The Vaccine Causes The Virus To Be […]

Європейський нагляд за вакцинами Covid ВІДМОВЛЯЄ ВСІ Вакцини, каже, не приймав би їх, навіть якщо запропонував $1 мільйон євро!

LEGAL DISCLAIMER: Always consult your physician about medical conditions. You may also want to ask them if they and their families are getting this untested vaccine. Ask any expert anywhere […]

МРНК Covid вакцини націлюють і руйнують клітини мозку, підтверджують точні тести невролога

 (Members and students only content. Priory of Salem, Institute of Health) Important information covered from Neuroscientist Chris Shaw PhD, Prof at University of British Columbia: What our analysis of his […]