Позначка: закон

Is Interracial Marriage Now Illegal? PREVIEW of content (Analysis by Priory of Salem, Institute of Peace Studies)

Inter-racial marriage is now illegal? (PREVIEW of content) Analysis by the Priory of Salem, Institute of Peace Studies God’s punishments for His people’s abominations are abundant. With our Spiritually opened […]

TRUE Американський уряд - це вічна божественна теократія, за часів Ісуса Христа і просування Його уряду на землі, наша щоденна молитва

America’s first constitution declared our government is a perpetual Divinely instituted Theocracy under Jesus Christ the King for His Kingdom to be advanced on earth. In this article I will […]

НОВЕ ВІДЕО: Павло викладав дієтичні закони та закони про левитичну кров (НЕ для духовного порятунку, а для фізичного виживання)

Teaching series “How Paul Taught We MUST Keep The Law.” Lesson one “Foundation For the Gentiles” How Paul taught Gentiles MUST keep the law. This study goes specifically into the […]