Étiquette : république du texas

Texas Senate passes bill requiring the Ten Commandments in public school classrooms

Texas Senate passes bill requiring the Ten Commandments in public school classrooms “We think there can be a restoration of faith in America, and we think getting [the] Ten Commandments on these […]

Union perpétuelle des États souverains confédérés - FINANCER NOS ANNONCES S'IL VOUS PLAÎT

America’s first constitution declared that our government is a perpetual Divine Theocracy under Jesus Christ the King, joined together for one aim, for the advancement of His Kingdom on earth. […]

Le Texas veut que son or revienne du gouvernement fédéral

Dans un mouvement unanime, le Texas a adopté un projet de loi (et le gouverneur Abbot a signé) pour que tous leurs lingots d'or soient retournés chez eux. Plus d'infos: http://www.ibtimes.com/texas-gold-returning-within-states-borders-officials-unsure-when-how-repository-will-1995922 http://conservativetribune.com/texas-prepares- for-secession-1 / http://www.hngn.com/articles/106969/20150706/texas-wants-to-move-its-gold-back-home-does-it-have-plans-to-secede. htm