Dr Malone, a leading vaccinologist warns that the vaccine causes the virus to be more dangerous.

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Latest Video Dec 18th:

Dr. Malone: Omicron is Like a Live Attenuated Vaccine Designed for a Purpose


(Older and still relevant article):

The Vaccine Causes The Virus To Be More Dangerous

Published July 28, 2021 587,007 Views

Dr Robert Malone, MD, MS Physician Scientist, Inventor of mRNA Vaccine Technology – a leading vaccinsologist, warns that the vaccine causes the virus to be more dangerous!

A very good interview in Steve Bannon’s War Room



Find me on the more reliable MEWE instead of Facebook!

You can find our Primace on Social Media. Rev Dr Stephen MK Brunswick is uncensored on MEWE Note that his Facebook account was recently removed with all content.




Texas Governor Greg Abbott moved Friday to ban vaccine and face-mask mandates in the Lone Star State, setting the stage for potential legal battles…


In the UK 50% of those hospitalized with COVID19 are fully vaccinated. REUTERS LINK:

Top News in the UK: “MOST” of those who die of the new Delta COVID Strain have been vaccinated.

One story making it through most US censors as this one praised it enough as being normal, so it’s not entirely being blocked from finding. However the figures are there in this mainstream news article in the UK: https://www.theguardian.com/theobserver/commentisfree/2021/jun/27/why-most-people-who-now-die-with-covid-have-been-vaccinated

Not to mention the CDC announcing that everyone who has vaccinated needs to mask up! ⁠They must have received these factual reports.

End Times URGENT Biblical Necessity to “Be Ye Separate”. New Testament Scriptural Expose *Important*


Being clean from the sins of the world, and being separate as His holy nation. We must obey Jesus Christ who is called the GREAT I AM who gave the Nationalist laws to Moses.

God’s way is a much better solution. The New Testament repeatedly says COME OUT FROM AMONG THEM AND BE YE SEPARATE, Ending the Red Fascist Communist Occupation of the “Systemic White Supremacist” Nation. Priory of Salem, Institute of Peace Studies


You can find more of the breaking items on www.brighteon.com, naturalnews.com, and on our website www.st-andrewsocc.org

More information we have published on the topic:

USA TODAY: COVID Vaccine Kills more than COVID Virus

According to an honest admission by the USA Today News. The large nation of Australia (who has a very large population of Asians from China) has confirmed this year there have been more deaths from the vaccine than from the virus. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/health/2021/06/21/covid-vaccine-variant-afghanistan-canada-mexico-delta/7765857002/ Senator Rand Paul may have the more correct stance, as he opted to […]

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EU Covid Vaccine Supervisor REFUSES ALL the Vaccines, says wouldn’t take it even if offered $1 Million Euros!

LEGAL DISCLAIMER: Always consult your physician about medical conditions. You may also want to ask them if they and their families are getting this untested vaccine. Ask any expert anywhere if they can point you to any single vaccine safety study that has been finished regarding any kind of mRNA or Coronavirus vaccines on “safety”. […]

mRNA Covid Vaccines Target and Destroy Brain Cells, Neuroscientist’s Accurate Tests Confirm

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3% vaccinated are now crippled! URGENT CDC Report about the Covid-19 Vaccine, Anaphylaxis Following m-RNA COVID-19

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*VIDEO: Doctors & Medical Experts Worldwide Warn Humanity Against Taking the COVID19 Vaccine

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